Training with Appreciation, Sincerity and Kindness (ASK) to create an understanding between horse and rider to improve the horses’ physique, capability and longevity.

Horses have always been part of my life. Growing up in Jerez, Spain I was privileged to begin my journey at the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art (Real Escuela Andaluza Del Arte Ecuestre). From 12 years of age, I paved my skills in the art of classical horsemanship where I trained and performed the ‘airs above ground’ with many Spanish Andalusian stallions.
Years later I moved to Australia and continued training and performing Spanish Andalusians. My equestrian performances extended across Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Mexico and the United States, which has given me great enjoyment and the opportunity to share the art of classical horsemanship.
My experience in high school movements has also meant I have trained and competed on many successful grand prix dressage horses, particularly recognised for my piaffe, passage and work in hand. Cultivating years of experience in training horses with all types of abilities, problems and breeds, I have truly entranced the horse as the teacher and can dive deep into their souls to feel their energy of willingness and refusal.
I'm very passionate about guiding riders in how to better understand their horses’ to create a harmonious partnership and provoke kindness and wellbeing. I see beauty in every horse, despite the level of education, discipline or breed. It is most important to train the horse in efforts to develop their physique to endue longevity and soundness. I’m truly grateful for my life with horses and it’s my aim to continue sharing my experience and knowledge.

José and his Andalusian stallion Fortuno performing the long rein
We all dream of majestic moments. The instances that take our breath away. They delve deep into our souls. Our horses are animals of beauty that deserve all our praise, appreciation, sincerity, and kindness.
The art of riding as one with your horse. Cherish those spectacular moments when you feel a small fraction of the beauty. That beauty will allow you to reach new heights and new dreams of becoming a harmonious rider.
A oneness with the horse. It’s not mechanical or methodical; it’s not forced or produced. It’s as if the horse and rider dance, with freedom and elasticity within each gait, transition, and movement. It brings forth a sense of pure unity. It’s an elegance of the aids. It’s a rhythm that beats to its own drum, it’s sheer beauty.
"Imagine the arena is your canvas, the horse is your brush, and you are the artist"
My training philosophy is based on ASK: Appreciation, Sincerity and Kindness.
Appreciation: Appreciate the fact the horse has allowed you on his back. Appreciate the journey of learning with your horse, he is your greatest teacher. Appreciate the horse in all its beauty and grace.
Sincerity: Be sincere in your requests and expectations of your horse. Show your horse sincere leadership and praise them for their efforts. Be sincere when caring for your horse; mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Kindness: Be kind and respect your horse. Show kindness in every aspect of discipline.